Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Quick 8: Stuff My Brain Farted

  1. Every pundit seems to have their panties in a bunch about Wanda Sykes ... even Keith Olbermann ... but I think these people need to sit back and take a deep breath. She is, after all, one damn funny lady. Her comments about Rush Limbaugh were spot on and I heartily endorse them. It's about damn time that more liberals realize that you have to fight fire with fire ... you can't take a squirt gun to a gun fight. Besides, people need to understand that she is not sitting there and hoping that Rush Limbaugh's kidneys really do fail. It was a JOKE. An exaggeration. Live a little. Laugh a little.

  2. What does it say about me that I couldn't possibly care less about Miss California's bigoted answer to a beauty pageant question? She's a freaking beauty pageant contestant! What can we possibly do to her that's more humiliating than that?

  3. Florida Governor Charlie Crist is, at the moment and by a rather large margin, the closest thing this country has to a Republican politician that I respect. That said, I hope he gets his ass handed to him in the 2010 Republican primary for Florida's open Senate seat. The ultimate problem with guys like Crist is that they think their party is salvageable. It isn't. If elected, Crist would be as irrelevant as every other so-called moderate Republican in Washington.

  4. There's been so much that the Obama administration has accomplished that has been great for this nation already. They will go on to do many other great things. Still, if they don't take get off their asses and take bold action on the banking crisis, we risk an economic recovery that isn't a recovery at all, but is more like the "Lost Decade" that the Japanese experienced. One more thing, don't believe anyone who tells you the economy is already recovering. 

  5. Murder is murder. Crimes don't get any more heinous than killing a prisoner who is cuffed and helpless. I don't care what the prisoner did. Yes, this was manslaughter and not first degree murder, but five years? That's all? (This should be taken as yet another argument against the use of private security forces in war zones.)

  6. I've been attempting to think of a single reason why I should care if my newspaper folds and I can't think of one. I'd miss the Friday ad section from Fry's electronics and the coupons and sales circulars in the Sunday paper, but I think I'd get over them. Still, I'm convinced that the form itself is dying. I just think the people in the newspaper business right now aren't particularly good at what they do.

  7. Liz Cheney is just a chip off the old block, isn't she? Aside from the sheer stupid evilness in the video at the previous link, she has also definitively stated that our country "does not torture", and yet she still went on television to defend our enhanced interrogation techniques. A hypocrite in the Cheney family? Shocking, I know.

  8. The more I think about it, would we, as a country, really be any worse off if Rush Limbaugh's kidneys did fail?

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