Monday, April 13, 2009

Other Questions

8 Universal Health Care System FAQs #8

Of the wealthy, industrialized countries, which provide universal health care and which do not?
Every major, wealthy, industrialized nation provides universal health care for their populace. Oops, I forgot the one and only exception, the United States of America. (Source)

Isn't universal health care more expensive that the current system in the US?
It is not. In fact, the United States spends 40% more per-capita than any of the other major industrialized nations with universal health care. Studies have shown that is we were to move to a single-payer system that we would realize savings of anywhere from 100 to 200 billion dollars a year. (Source)

Aren't all universal health care systems socialist?
No. Some are (such as the UK and Sweden), some aren't (such as France and Germany). It is hard to imagine a system put into use in the US that wouldn't keep doctors and hospitals as private entities. (See previous entries.)

Do the American people really want universal health care?
Not only do they want it, they are willing to have their taxes raised to pay for it. A recent poll by CBS news showed that 57% of Americans want health care for all Americans and are willing to pay more taxes to make it happen. (Source)

Previous Entries in This Series (Canada, France, Germany, England, Elsewhere in Europe, China, Israel)

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