Monday, April 13, 2009

James Vega says ...

8 Words of Wisdom for Week Ending 4/17/2009 #2
So, let’s add it all up.

• Over 60% of the American people currently approve of Obama – 10% more than approved of either Bush I or Bush II at this point.

• Republican Party identification has shrunk substantially and the Party’s remaining supporters have become more intensely partisan. Nonetheless, even so, over one-quarter – 27% of these hard-core Republicans still approve of Obama.

• And 57-60% - a solid, commanding majority -- of independents approve of him.

So, Let’s all send Gerson a message: “Hey, Mike, cut out the histrionics. Blow your nose, put away the silly polka-dot hanky and stop the sanctimonious blubbering about Obama causing partisan division. The Oscars are over.

America isn’t divided – it’s solidly behind Obama.

It’s not his fault some people just can’t handle the truth.
Here's how the Republicans have chosen to battle President Obama's proven popularity, by pretending statistics don't exist. To function as a conservative in 2009 requires that you live in a world of denial. Reality would simply be impossible to confront.

I wonder sometimes if this is how conservatives felt in the aftermath of the New Deal and World War II when liberalism defeated fascism, saved capitalism, and raised the standard of living of more Americans than at any period in our history. You know, when the entire country rejected their false ideology that plunged the country into the Great Depression. I'm not convinced that the President has set us on a course of action that will, in any way, compare favorably to the New Deal, but he isn't going to support the same tired, rejected conservative ideals that were soundly rejected at the polls in November, in both the Presidential and Congressional elections.

That is progress and that is why the President has retained his popularity. The more the conservative commentators try to pretend this isn't the case, the more they damage their own credibility, which should be fairly close to rock bottom already.

Source - The Democratic Strategist

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