Friday, May 8, 2009

8 Items from a Labor Glossary (Intro)

It's good to see labor back in the news, and I think we will see it stay there for the foreseeable future ... for good reason. Labor is on the comeback and we will all reap the benefits. Strong unions lead to a strong middle class which leads to a strong economy. It's not quite that simple, but still, its an important step.

Perhaps the biggest union battle of the Obama administration will be the fight to implement card check. The Employee Free Choice Act is important legislation that will make it easier for employees to express their desire to organize. Nothing, and I mean nothing, has done more to damage the middle class than the conservative war on unions. The playing field has been tilted heavily towards management over the years and the EFCA will go a long way towards leveling the playing field.

Unions will also play a big part in the entire Arlen Specter story. Over the years, Specter was one of the few Republicans who supported unions, which remain a political force in Pennsylvania. He even supported the EFCA just a few years ago. The mere threat of a challenge from the right in the Republican primary was enough to turn him off the legislation. He continued to tout his opposition to the bill, even after switching parties. Can he block the bill? Will he even try? Will he move to the left and support EFCA under threat of primary opposition from the left?

We're going to look at eight concepts of labor relations to help us all understand the upcoming battle.

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