Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tondee's Tavern

8 Blogs Flying Beneath the Radar #3

A liberal living in the state of Georgia is typically lonely. Oh, there are plenty of us, but most of us have gone underground. If you are white and live in the suburbs or more rural areas, you are expected to be embarrassed if you are liberal. If you aren't, you are then expected to, at the very least, keep quiet. You might look at polls and think that 4 out of every 10 neighbors are Democrats, but that doesn't jive with what you see ... what you witness when you are out and about.

During the November election, you see 30 McCain signs for every Obama sign. You visit your local home supply store and hear the old white men bitching about those "liberal communists". You see the Confederate flag flying from houses and trucks everywhere you go. Where you don't see the flag, you see bumper stickers at the very least. Still, on an intellectual level, you know there have to be liberals in white Georgia. You know there have to be progressives in the Atlanta suburbs. You know that there have to be Democrats in rural areas.

Tondee's Tavern is the proof. The Tavern isn't just the best of the Georgia state blogs, it is a full fledged community. For Georgia political news, there is no better site in existence. Best of all, they now host Amy Morton's terrific Georgia Women Vote blog.

If you want to keep up to date with the political scene in Georgia, you must visit the Tavern. If you are just looking for the realities faced by progressives in a red state, you must visit the Tavern. If you are looking for a window into the mind of southern progressives, you must visit the Tavern.

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