Monday, April 13, 2009


8 Conservative Glossary Items #5

According to, this is the definition of socialism:
a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
If you want to consider socialism to be the ideology at the opposite end of the political thought spectrum from conservatism, then I think you have a point. As liberals and progressives, it is our job to be pragmatic and do what is best for the most people. This means we can't rely on an ideology that requires our worship as many socialists and conservatives do. No, we have to look at both options and keep what works, and throw out the rest. 

From conservatism, we take the economic theory of capitalism which offers people the most freedom to control their own economic destiny. From socialism, we take the idea that government has to play an active role in society, lest the "haves" run over the "have nots". We could argue that these limits on capitalism are moral, and they are. More than that though, they are practical. These limits will prevent social unrest that could lead to violence and eventually, perhaps, a system even worse. In effect, the limits we choose to place on capitalism saves it not only from itself, but saves it from socialism. 

Previous Entries in this Series (An Introduction, Communism, Bolsheviks, Maoism, Marxism)

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