Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Rude Pundit

8 Blogs Flying Beneath the Radar #6

The Rude Pundit is a very well known liberal blogger, but he should be a political star of the highest order. He should be sitting on panels with Pat Buchanan on MSNBC. He should be on Meet the Press or This Week. Sure, he's need to be bleeped, but come on, what's wrong with the occasional 8 second delay?

Sure, he's not for everyone. He's angry. He's profane. He's vulgar. He's ... well ... rude. Of course, he's also witty. And intelligent. And gut-bustingly funny. He says the things we think but are afraid to say ourselves. In the process, he makes them even less appropriate for general consumption.

You know what else? He's a real liberal and no matter how vulgar he may seem, all of his material has real heart and soul behind it. This is the best of the web.

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