Wednesday, April 22, 2009


8 Blogs Flying Beneath the Radar #2

Majikthise is one of the philosophers from Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which easily ranks as one of my favorite novels ever. When I saw mention of a blog named Majikthise at James Wolcott's blog, I think it may have become one of my favorites before I had even clicked the link. Fortunately, after I did, it remained one of my favorites for a different reason.

When I first visited Majikthise, Lindsay Beyerstein, the blogger behind Majikthise, was in New Orleans chronicling the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Her photography and words were among the best coverage we had of the disaster. There's little doubt that the 10 days she spent in New Orleans in September 2005 left a mark on her, and there's even less doubt that her remarkable coverage left a mark on all who read it. (She would visit New Orleans again for the anniversary of Katrina and her photographs from that visit are the best I've seen from her.)

The site is a hodge podge, but it's a good hodge podge. It's a mixture of liberal politics, investigative reporting, photography, and movie reviews. Lindsay's career seems to be taking off as she now blogs for the UN Dispatch and Alternet. She also works with the blogger advance team for The Washington Post's PostGlobal blog. Her photography has been published throughout the world.

I promise you, if you add a bookmark for Majikthise, or if you subscribe in your RSS reader, you won't regret it.

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