Thursday, April 9, 2009

Jon Stewart says ...

8 Words of Wisdom for Week Ending 4/10/2009 #6

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Baracknophobia - Obey
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I find it continually amazing that the guy on television who gets it the most right, the most often, is the guy with the fake news show. Jon Stewart is bitingly funny, but he is hardly a left-wing loon. He's serious and better than almost anyone, he's able to capture the anger that so many of us on the left feel and then turn that anger into something creative that is both funny and intelligent. At this point, he is the single best political commentator on television.

In the piece above, he's addressing the people who are calling Obama a wuss one day and the next day they are accusing him of being fascistic. He takes the Republicans to task for not understanding what "losing" means. It's best they start to understand now, because I'm guessing they are going to have to deal with it again in 2010 and 2012.

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