Thursday, April 30, 2009

The G Bitch Spot

8 Blogs Flying Beneath the Radar #7

Do you want attitude? G Bitch oozes attitude. She knows education. She knows New Orleans. Best of all, she knows quips.

My favorite quips from the site?
  • On the Blue Dogs: "I’ll be calling them the Cracker Dogs from now on."

  • On the attitude that allowed AIG executives to receive bonuses: "And it’s finally trickled its way into academia where administrators reward themselves with new buildings and panelled offices while costs go up and degrees granted and academic integrity go down. What the mother fuck?"

  • Favorite post title: "In which language does 'Vitter' mean 'Idiot'?"

  • Since Jefferson has been under indictment–even before, with the $90K in the freezer–he has lost what influence he had and couldn’t push a free prostitute through the House these days.

  • On Sarah Palin: "This is judgment? This is wisdom and experience? Damn, I must need more drinks."
Make sure you visit her archives.

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