Wednesday, April 8, 2009


8 Conservative Glossary Items #1

Communism is a system of government in which all property belongs to the state or the community. All activity, whether economic or social, is controlled by the government using totalitarian means. The government is in control of all natural resources and controls all means of production. Communist states are also anti-democratic since most are single party meaning that the Communist Party is the only party permitted to organize.

So, this raises the questions, are Obama's economic policies communist? Well, not even close. Are the economic policies of the Democratic party communist? No, no, no. One item conservatives are pointing to with glee right now is the dismissal of Rick Waggoner as CEO of GM. "This is communism", they scream. Except that it is not. It most certainly is government interference with industry. It is an attempt by the government to allow GM to survive as a private entity. This is not the government taking permanent control of an industry. I suppose that a reasonable person can question the wisdom of this type of interference, but you cannot call it communism.

Any prominent American politician who accuses the President or his party of being "closet communists" is either ignorant of the meaning of communism, or is a liar.

Previous Entries in this Series (An Introduction)

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