Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Blue Seeing Red

8 Blogs Flying Beneath the Radar #1


When I first visited GreenSmile's site, I was taken aback. I'm an angry liberal and the description at the top of his blog, "We went wrong when we accepted that anger is a source of power" turned me off a bit. On the other hand, the content turned me on.

GreenSmile doesn't post often, but everything he posts is worth reading. Oh, and he is angry. He's angry about the AIG bailout. He's angry at the Republicans. He was angry about George W. Bush. I like anger. Anger speaks to me.

Additionally, I find myself envious of him. He has a tremendous grasp on economic issues, where, as you can tell from this blog, I'm still getting my head wrapped around the basics. He has the gift for a great turn of phrase ... the kind you remember days after reading a post. Best of all though, he's just one hell of a writer, which also leaves me green with envy. He conveys economic truths without resorting to confusing jargon, while simultaneously making sure the post is entertaining. Good stuff.

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