Monday, April 27, 2009

All Spin Zone

8 Blogs Flying Beneath the Radar #4

The All Spin Zone does as good as job as anyone on the web at dissecting the conservative mindset. They do as good a job as anyone on the web at explaining the motive behind conservative actions. At best, Steven Reynolds commentary pieces read like the great newspaper op-ed columns, the kind you often don't see anymore. At worst, the site is merely informative, and often entertaining. There is no junk ... nothing useless. Every post is worth a read.

What attracts me most to this site is the heart behind the words. The passion. My favorite posts are this post about Mr. Reynolds newly adopted son and this post about Rev. Joseph Lowery's performance at the Obama inauguration, and the manner in which the two events were related. This is epic writing and the blogosphere at its best.

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